
崔宰熏 教授

1. 学術論文(*はequal contribution,○はcorresponding author)


  1. Wang, J, Wu, J., Yamaguchi, Y., Nagai, K., Liu, C., Choi, J-H, Hirai, H., Xie, X., Kobayashi, S., and Kawagishi, H., Uncovering hericenones from the fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus through interdisciplinary collaboration, J. Nat. Prod., in press.


  1. 小堀 一, 崔 宰熏, オオシロカラカサタケ子実体の人工栽培方法の開発, 日本きのこ学会誌, 31, 123–125 (2024)
  2. Wu, J., Uchida, K., Yoshikawa, A., Hashimoto, M., Kondo, M., Nihei, K., Ishii, M., Choi, J-H., Miwa, Y., Shoda, C., Lee, D., Nakai, A., Kurihara, T., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C. N., Toda, M., Yasuma, T., Gabazza, E. C. Hiraia, H., and Kawagishia, H., “Fruiting Liquid” of Mushroom-Forming Fungi; Novel Source of Bioactive Compounds – Fruiting-Body Inducer, and HIF- and Axl- Inhibitor –, J. Agric. Food. Chem., 71, 1333813345 (2023)
  3. Wu, J., Kamiishi, Y., Shimozaki, K., Kondo, M., Hashimoto, M., Choi, J-H., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C. N., Toda, M., Yasuma, T., Gabazza, E. C., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi H., Novel cyclopropyl compounds, cyclopropylvirgines A to G, from the fruiting bodies of Amanita virgineoides, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 12, 596–607 (2023)
  4. Wu, J., Ohura, T., Ogura, R., Wang, J., Choi, J.-H., Kobori, H., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C. N., Toda, M., Yasuma, T., Gabazza, E. C., Takikawa, Y., H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi H., Bioactive compounds from the mushroom-forming fungus Chlorophyllum molybdites, Antibiotics, 12, 596 (2023)
  5. *Takemura, H., *Choi, J.-H., Fushimi, K., Narikawa, R., Kondo, M., Wu, J., Nelson, D. C., Suzuki, T., Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Role of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in the salvage pathway of fairy chemicals in rice, Org. Biomol. Chem., 21, 2556-2561 (2023)
  6. Kotajima, M., Choi, J.-H., Suzuki, H., Suzuki, T., Wu, J., Hirai, H., Nelson, D. C., Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Dohra, H., and Kawagishi, H., Identification of biosynthetic and metabolic genes of 2-azahypoxanthine in Lepista sordida based on transcriptomic analysis, J. Nat. Prod., 86, 710-718 (2023)
  7. *Kotajima, M., *Choi, J.-H., Suzuki, T., Wu, J., Hirai, H., Nelson, D. C., Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Dohra, H., and Kawagishi, H., The role of xanthine dioxygenase in the biosynthetic pathway of 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine of Lepista sordida, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 87, 420–425 (2023)
  8. Ueda, A., Amaike, K., Shirotani,Y., Warstat,R., Ito, H., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., and Itami, K., C–H arylation enables synthesis of imidazole-4-carboxamide (ICA) based fairy chemicals with plant growth promoting activity, Can. J. Chem.,101, 449–452 (2023)
  9. *Kotajima, M., *Choi, J.-H., Kondo, M., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C. N., Toda, M., Yasuma, T., Gabazza, E, C., Miwa Y., Shoda, S., Lee, D., Nakai, A., Kurihara, T., Wu, J., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Axl, immune checkpoint molecules and HIF inhibitors from the culture broth of Lepista luscina, Molecules227, 8925 (2022)
  10. Suzuki, T., Asakawa, T., Maekawa, F., Kimura, E., Tezuka, Y., Nakamura, L., Sato, T., Arai, Y., Choi, J.-H., Suzuki, M., Dohra, H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi H., Possible molecular mechanism for acute encephalopathy by angel-wing mushroom ingestion -involvement of three constituents in onset-, Toxicon, 221, 106958 (2023)
  11. Kobori, H., Wu, J., Takemura, H., Choi, J.-H., Tada, N., and Kawagish, H., Utilization of corn steep liquor for the production of fairy chemicals by Lepista sordida mycelia, J. Fungi, 8, 1269 (2022)
  12. Wang, J, Wu, J., Ogura, Y., Kobori,H., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., Takikawa,Y., and Kawagishi, H., Anti-phytopathogenic bacterial fatty acids from the mycelia of the edible mushroom Agaricus blazei, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.,86, 1327–1332 (2022)
  13. Ono, A., Suzuki,T., Takeshima, Y., Kashiwa, T., Motoyama, T., Choi, J.-H., Sato, C., Konno, N., Miyakawa, H., Ogata, M., Hirai, H., Dohra, H., Osada, H., and Kawagishi, H., CmLec4, a lectin from the fungus Cordyceps militaris, controls host infection and fruiting body formation, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 215, 303-311 (2022).
  14. Choi, J.-H., Suzuki, T., Ono, A., Kotajima, M., Tanaka, Y., Kawagishi, H., and Dohra, H., The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida, Mitoch. DNA Part B: Res., 7, 712–714 (2022)
  15. Wang, J, Wu, J., Tsutsumi, K., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., Kobori, H.,Takikawa, Y., and Kawagishi, H., A new lanostane triterpenoid from the mushroom Hypholoma fasciculare, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 86, 819-823 (2022).
  16. *Ito, A., *Choi, J.-H., Waki, Y-M., Kotajima, M., Wu, J., Suzuki, T., Terashima, Y., Suzuki, H., Hirai, H., Nelson, D.C., Tsunematsu, Y., Watanabe, K., Asakawa, T., Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Dohra, H., Kawagishi, H., 1,2,3-Triazine formation mechanism of the fairy chemical 2-azahypoxanthine in the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida, Org. Biomol. Chem.,20, 2636-2642 (2022)
  17. Ouchi, H., Namiki, T., Iwamoto, K., Matsuzaki, N., Inai, M., Kotajima, M., Wu, J., Choi, J.-H., Kimura, Y., Hirai,H., Xie, X., Kawagishi, H., and Kan,T., An S-adenosylhomocysteine analogue of a fairy chemical, imidazole-4-carboxamide, as its metabolite in rice and yeast, and synthetic investigations of related compounds, J. Nat. Prod., 84, 453-458 (2021)
  18. Suzuki, T., Nakamura, L., Inayoshi, S., Tezuka, Y., Choi, J.-H., Dohra, H., Sasanami, T. Hirai, H., and Kawagishi H., An efficient heterologous Escherichia coli-based expression system for lectin production from Pleurocybella porrigens, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 5, 630-633 (2021)
  19. Ito, A., Choi, J.-H., Takemura,H., Kotajima,M., Wu, J., Tokuyama, S., Hirai, H., Asakawa, Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Kan, T., and Kawagishi, H., Biosynthesis of the fairy chemicals, 2-azahypoxanthine and imidazole-4-carboxamide, in the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida, J. Nat. Prod., 83, 2469−2476 (2020).
  20. Aoshima, H., Hyodo, S., Ibuki, R., Wu, J., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., Safety evaluation of 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine based on in vitro and human patch tests, Fundam. Toxicol. Sci., 7, 207-215 (2020).
  21. Ridwan, Y. A., Wu, J., Harada, E., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C., Toda, M., Yasuma,T., Gabazza, E. C., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Axl and immune checkpoints inhibitors from the fruiting bodies of Pleurocybella porrigens, J. Antibiotic., 73, 733–736 (2020).
  22. Malya, I. Y., Wu, J., Harada, E., Toda, M., D’Alessandro-Gabazza, C. N., Yasuma,T., Gabazza, E. C., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishia, H., Plant growth regulators and axl and immune checkpoint inhibitors from the edible mushroom Leucopaxillus giganteus, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 80, 1332-1338 (2020).


  1. Choi, J.-H., Matsuzaki,N., Wu, J., Kotajima, M., Hirai1, H., Kondo, M., Asakawa, T., Inai, M., Ouchi, H., Kan, T., and Kawagishi, H., Ribosides and ribotide of a fairy chemical, imidazole-4-carboxamide, as its metabolites in rice, Org.Lett., 21, 7841-7845 (2019).
  2. Choi, J.-H., Moriuchi, R., Sukprasitchai, A., Tokuyama, S., Kawagishi, H., and Dohra, H., Draft genome sequence of Buttiauxella sp. A111 that converts 2-azahypoxanthine to 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, Microbiol. Res. Announc., 8. e00664-19 (2019).
  3. Takemura, H., Choi, J.-H., Matsuzaki, N., Taniguchi, Y., Wu, J., Hirai1, H., Motohashi1, R., Asakawa, T., Ikeuchi, K., Inai, M., Kan, T., and Kawagishi, H., A fairy chemical, imidazole-4-carboxamide, is produced on a novel purine metabolic pathway in rice, Sci. Rep., 9, 9899 (2019).
  4. Fushimi, K., Miyazaki, T., Kuwasaki, Y., Nakajima, T., Yamamoto, T., Suzuki, K., Ueda, Y., Miyake, K., Takeda, Y., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., Park, EY., Ikeuchi, M., Sato, M., and Narikawa, R., Rational conversion of chromophore selectivity of cyanobacteriochromes to accept mammalian intrinsic biliverdin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116(17), 8301-8309 (2019).
  5. Takano, T., Yamamoto, N., Suzuki, T., Dohra, H., Choi, J.-H., Terashima, Y., Yokoyama, K., Kawagishi, H., and Yano, K., Genome sequence analysis of the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida and gene candidates for interaction with plants. Sci. Rep., 9, 5888 (2019).
  6. Wu, J., Uchida, K., Ridwan, A., Kondo, M., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishib, H., Erinachromanes A and B and erinaphenol A from the culture broth of Hericium erinaceus , J. Agric. Food. Chem., 67, 3134-3139 (2019).
  7. Suzuki, T., Ono, A., Choi, J.-H., Wu, J., Kawagishi, H., and Dohra, H., The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the edible mushroom Stropharia rugosoannulata (Strophariaceae, Basidiomycota), Mitoch. DNA Part B: Res., 4(1), 570-572 (2019).
  8. Kitano, H., Choi, J.-H., Ueda, A., Ito, H., Hagihara,S., Kan, T., Kawagishi, H., and Itami, K., Discovery of plant growth stimulants by C−H arylation of 2‑azahypoxanthine,Org. Lett., 20 (18), 5684-5687 (2018).
  9. Ouchi, H., Asakawa, T., Ikeuchi, K., Inai, M., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., and Kan, T., Synthesis of double-13C-labeled imidazole derivatives, Tetrahedron Lett., 59(39), 3516-3518 (2018).
  10. Ridwan, Y. A., Wu, J., Choi, J-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., A novel plant growth regulator from Pholiota lubrica, Tetrahedron Lett., 59(26), 2559-2561(2018).
  11. Hiyama, G., Mizushima, S., Matsuzaki, M., Tobari, Y., Choi, J.-H., Ono, T., Tsudzuki, M., Makino, S., Tamiya, G., Tsukahara, N., Sugita, S., Sasanami, T., Female Japanese quail visually differentiate testosteronedependent male attractiveness for mating preferences, Sci. Rep., 8, 10012 (2018).
  12. 崔宰熏,呉静,伏見圭司,平井浩文,河岸洋和,シバAgrostis stolonifera由来のコムラサキシメジ菌糸体に対する生育抑制物質,日本きのこ学会誌,25(4), 141-144 (2018).
  13. Choi, J.-H., Wu, J., Sawada, A., Takemura, H., Yogosawa, K., Hirai, H., Kondo, M., Sugimoto, K., Asakawa, T., Inai, M., Kan, T., and Kawagishi, H., N-Glucosides of fairy chemicals, 2-azahypoxanthine and 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, in rice, Org. Lett., 20, 312−314 (2018).
  14. Ridwan, Y. A., Wu, J., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Bioactive compounds from the edible mushroom Cortinarius caperatus, Mycoscience, 59(2), 172-175 (2018).
  15. Choi, J.-H., Moriuchi, R., Sugiura, H., Kawagishi, H, and Dohra, H. High-quality draft genome sequence of Burkholderia contaminans CH-1, a gram-negative bacterium that metabolizes 2-azahypoxanthine, a plant growth-regulating compound, Genome Announc., 5(41), e01148-17, (2017).
  16. Ito, A., Choi, J.-H., Wu, J., Tanaka, H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Plant growth inhibitors from the culture broth of fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida, Mycoscience, 58, 387–390 (2017).
  17. Ito, A., Choi, J.-H., Wu, J., Ozawa, N., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Plant growth regulators from the edible mushroom Leccinum extremiorientale, Mycoscience, 58, 383–386 (2017).
  18. Qiu, W., Wu, J., Choi, J.-H., Hira, H., Nishida, H., and Kawagishi, H., Cytotoxic compounds against cancer cells from Bombyx mori inoculated with Cordyceps militaris, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 81, 1224–1226 (2017).
  19. Qiu, W., Kobori, H., Wu, J., Choi, J.-H., Hira, H., and Kawagishi, H., Plant growth regulators from the fruiting bodies of Tricholoma flavovirens, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 81(3), 441-444 (2017).
  20. Suzuki, T., Yamamoto, N., Choi, J.-H., Takano, T., Sasaki, Y., Terashima, Y., Ito, A., Dohra, H., Hirai, H., Nakamura, Y., Yano, K., and Kawagishi, H., The biosynthetic pathway of 2-azahypoxanthine in fairy-ring forming fungus., Sci. Rep., 6, 39087 (2016).
  21. Matsuzaki, N., Wu, J., Kawaide, M., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Plant growth regulatory compounds from the mushroom Russula vinosa, Mycoscience, 57, 404-407 (2016).
  22. Choi, J.-H., Kikuchi, A., Pumkaeo, P, Hirai, H., Tokuyama, S., and Kawagishi, H., Bioconversion of AHX to AOH by resting cells of Burkholderia contaminans CH-1, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 80, 2045-2050 (2016).
  23. *Choi, J.-H., *Suzuki, T., Okumura, H., Nagai, K., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Thapsigargin-induced ER stress suppressive compounds from the mushroom Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii, Tetrahedron Lett.,, 56, 5561-5563 (2015).
  24. Ma, G., Zhang, L., Yamawaki, K., Yahata, M., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., and Kato, M., Fairy chemicals, 2-azahypoxanthine and 2-aza-8-oxohypoxanthine, regulate carotenoid accumulation in Citrus Juice Sacs in vitro, J. Agric. Food Chem., 63, 7230-7235 (2015).
  25. Suzuki, T., Abe, T., Umehara, K., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., Dohra, H., and Kawagishi, H., Purification and characterization of a lectin from the mushroom Hypsizigus marmoreus, Mycoscience, 56, 359-363 (2015).
  26. Wu, J., Tokunaga, T., Kondo, M., Ishigami, K., Tokuyama,S., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Erinaceolactones A to C, from the culture broth of Hericium erinaceus, J. Nat. Prod., 78(1), 155-158 (2015).
  27. Kobori, H., Sekiya, A., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Bioactive sesquiterpene aryl esters from the culture broth of Armillaria sp., J. Nat. Prod., 78(1), 163-167 (2015).
  28. *Asai, T., *Choi, J.-H., Ikka, T., Fushimi, K., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Yamakawa, Y., Kobori, H., Kiriiwa, Y., Motohashi, R., Deo, V. P., Asakawa, T., Kan, T., Morita, A. and Kawagishi, H., Effect of 2-azahypoxanthine (AHX) produced by the fairy-ring-forming fungus on the growth and the grain yield of rice, Jpn. Agric. Res. Quart., 49(1), 45-49 (2015).


  1. *Choi, J.-H., *Suzuki, T., Okumura, H., Noguchi, K., Kondo, M., Nagai, K., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Endoplasmic reticulum stress suppressive compounds from the edible mushroom Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii, J. Nat. Prod., 77, 1729-1733 (2014).
  2. *Choi, J.-H., Suzuki, T., Kawaguchi, Y., Yamashita, K., Morita, A., Masuda, K., Yazawa, K., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Makomotines A to D from Makomotake, Zizania latifolia infected with Ustilago esculenta, Tetrahedron Lett., 55, 3596-3599 (2014).
  3. Qui, W., Kobori, H., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Deo, V. K., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., A new compound from the mushroom Tricholoma flavovirens, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 78(5), 755-757 (2014).
  4. Ikeuchi, K., Fujii, R., Sugiyama, S., Asakawa, T., Inai, M., Hamashima, Y., Choi, J.-H., Kawagishi, H., and Kan, T., Practical synthesis of natural plant-growth regulator 2-azahypoxanthine, its derivatives, and biotin-labeled probes, Org. Biomol. Chem., 12, 3813-3815 (2014).
  5. Suzuki, T., Dohra, H., Omae, S., Takeshima, Y., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H. and Kawagishi, H., Heterologous expression of a lectin from Pleurocybella porrigens (PPL) in Phanerochaete sordida YK-624, J. Microbiol. Meth., 100, 70-76 (2014).
  6. *Tobina, H., *Choi, J.-H., Asai, T., Kiriiwa, Y., Asakawa, T., Kan, T., Morita, A. and Kawagishi, H., 2-Azahypoxanthine and Imidazole-4-carboxamide produced by the fairy-ring-forming fungus increase yields of wheat, Field Crop Res. 162, 6-11 (2014).
  7. Choi, J.-H., Ohnishi, T., Yamakawa, Y., Takeda, S., Sekiguchi, S., Maruyama, W., Yamashita, K., Suzuki, T., Morita, A., Ikka, T., Motohashi, R., Kiriiwa, Y., Tobina, H., Asai, T., Tokuyama, S., Hirai, H., Yasuda, N., Noguchi, K., Asakawa, T., Sugiyama, S., Kan, T. and Kawagishi, H., The source of “fairy rings”: 2-azahypoxanthine and its metabolite found in a novel purine metabolic pathway in plants, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53(6), 1552-1555 (2014).
  8. Choi, J.-H., Yoshida, M., Suzuki, T., Harada, E., Kawade, M., Yazawa, K., Nishimoto, S., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., A novel sphingosine with osteoclast-forming suppressing activity, from the edible mushroom Grifola gargal. Tetrahedron, 69, 8609-8611 (2013).
  9. Kobori, H., Sekiya, A., Yasuda, N., Noguchi, K., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Armillariols A to C from the culture broth of Armillaria sp., Tetrahedron Lett., 54, 5481-5483 (2013).
  10. Wu, J., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Yasuda, N., Noguchi, K., Hirai, H. and Kawagishi, H., An unusual sterol from the mushroom Stropharia rugosoannulata, Tetrahedtron Lett., 54, 4900-4902 (2013).
  11. Wu, J., Kobori, H., Kawaide, M., Suzuki, T., Choi, J.-H., Yasuda, N., Noguchi, K., Matsumoto, T., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Isolation of bioactive steroids from the mushroom Stropharia rugosoannulata and absolute configuration of strophasterol B, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 77, 1779-1781 (2013).
  12. *Suzuki, T., *Choi, J.-H., Kawaguchi, T., Yamashita, K., Morita, A., Hirai, H., Nagai, K., Hirose, T., Omura, S., Sunazuka, T., and Kawagishi, H., Makomotindoline from makomotake, Zizania latifolia infected with Ustilago esculenta, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 22, 4246-4248 (2012).
  13. Choi, J.-H., Maeda, K., Hirai, H., Harada, E., Kawade, M., Qi, J., Ojika, M., and Kawagishi, H., Novel cerebroside, termitomycesphin I, from the mushroom, Termitomyces titanicus, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 76, 1407-1409 (2012).
  14. *Wu, J., *Choi, J.-H., Yoshida, M., Hirai, H., Harada., E., Masuda, K., Koyama, T., Yazawa., K., Noguchi, K., Nagasawa, K., and Kawagishi, H., Osteoclast-forming suppressing compounds, gargalols A, B and C, from the edible mushroom Grifola gargal, Tetrahedron, 67, 6576-6581 (2011).
  15. Choi, J.-H., Ozawa, N., Yamakawa, Y., Nagai, K., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H., Leccinine A, an endoplasmic reticulum stress suppressive compound from the edible mushroom Leccinum extremiorientale, Tetrahedron, 67, 6649-6653 (2011).
  16. Choi, J.-H., Ozawa, N., Masuda, K., Koyama, T., Yazawa, K. and Kawagishi, H., Suppressing the formation of osteoclasts using bioactive components of the edible mushroom Leccinum extremiorientale (L. Vass.) Singer (Agaricomycetideae), Int. J. Med. Mushr., 12(4), 401-406 (2010).
  17. Choi, J.-H., Maeda, K., Nagai, K., Harada, E., Kawade, M., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H.: Termitomycamides A to E, fatty acid amides isolated from the mushroom Termitomyces titanicus, suppress endoplasmic reticulum stress. Org. Lett., 12(21), 5012-5015 (2010).
  18. Choi, J.-H., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Fushimi, K., Nishina,. Y., Morita, A., Kiriiwa, Y., Motohashi, R., Hashizume, D., Koshino, H., and Kawagishi, H., Plant-growth regulator, imidazole-4-carboxamide produced by fairy-ring forming fungus Lepista sordida. J. Agric. Food Chem., 58(18), 9956-9959 (2010).
  19. Choi, J.-H., Fushimi, K., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Maeda, S., Morita, A., Hara, M., Motohashi, R., Matsunaga, J., Eguchi, Y., Ishigaki, N., Hashizume, D., Koshino, H., and Kawagishi, H., Disclosure of the “fairy” of fairy-ring forming fungus Lepista sordida, ChemBioChem, 11(10), 1373-1377 (2010).
  20. Choi, J.-H., Abe, N., Kodani, S., Masuda, K., Koyama, T., Yazawa, K., Takahashi, T. and Kawagishi, H., Osteoclast-forming suppressing compounds from the edible mushroom Agrocybe chaxingu Huang, Int. J. Med. Mushr.,12(2), 151-155 (2010).


  1. Choi, J.-H, Horikawa, M., Okumura, H., Kodani, S., Nagai, K., Hashizume, D., Koshino H. and Kawagishi, H. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress protecting compounds from the mushroom Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii, Tetrahedron, 65, 221-224 (2009).
  2. Choi, J.-H., Ogawa, A., Abe, N., Masuda, K., Koyama, T., Yazawa, K. and Kawagishi, H., Chaxines B, C, D and E from the edible mushroom Agrocybe chaxingu, Tetrahedron, 65, 9850?9853 (2009).
  3. Chang, K-H., Park, J-S., Choi, J.-H., Kim, C-J and Paik, H-D. Cytotoxic effects of partially purified substances from Bacillus polyfermenticus SCD supernatant toward a variety of tumor cell lines. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 16, 163-166 (2007).
  4. Choi, J.-H., Yoon, S-K., Lee, K-H., Seo, M-S., Kim, D-H., Hong, S-B., Kim J-Y., Paik, H-D. and Kim, C-H. Antitumor activity of cell suspension culture of green tea seed (Camellia sinensis L.). Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 11, 396-401 (2006).
  5. Choi, J.-H., Nam, J-O., Kim, J-Y., Kim, J-M., Paik, H-D. and Kim, C-H.
    Antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antitumor activities of partially purified substance(s) from green tea seed. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 15, 672-676 (2006).
  6. Lee, Y-W., Choi, J.-H., Yoon W-H. and Kim, C-H. Growth inhibitory effect of grapefruit seed extract on foodborne pathogens in kanjang paste and kochujang paste. Korean J. Food Sci. Ani. Resour. 25, 513-520 (2005) (Korean).
  7. Yoon, W-H.,Choi, J.-H., Lee, K-H. and Kim, C-H. Antimicrobial and antitumor activities of seed extracts of Camellia sinensis L. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 37, 108-112 (2005) (Korean).

2. 総説

  1. 崔宰熏, きのこと植物とのクロストークに関する化学的研究, 日本きのこ学会誌, Vol. 27 (1) 8-12 (2019)

  2. Choi, J.-H, Biologically functional molecules from mushroom-forming fungi, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 82, 372-382 (2018)
  3. 崔宰熏,河岸洋和, フェアリーリング(妖精の輪)の妖精の正体は?-植物生長調節機構解明と農業への応用の可能性?植物の生長調節, 47(1), 34-39 (2012)
  4. 崔宰熏,河岸洋和, フェアリーリングの化学 ?フェアリー(妖精)の正体解明と農業への応用, 化学と生物, 49(5), 299-301 (2011)

3. 著書

  1. 崔宰熏 他(2021)きのこの生物活性と応用展開、シーエムシー出版、231~238頁、ISBN 78-4-7813-1622-2.
  2. Choi, J-H. and Kawagishi, H, Chapter 18 – Chemistry of Fairy Rings. Green Science and Technology, CRC press Park, E. Y., Saito, T., Kawagishi, H. and Hara, M.(Ed), pp269-283, 全343頁 (2020)

4. 特許

  1. 徳山真治,崔宰熏,河岸洋和, 特許第6494738号, 2019年3月15日, 2-アザ-8オキソヒポキサンチンの製造方法, 国立大学法人静岡大学 
  2. 河岸洋和,崔宰熏, 特許第5915982号, 2016年4月15日, イミダゾール誘導体, 国立大学法人静岡大学
  3. 河岸洋和,森田明雄,崔宰熏, 特許第5660540号, 2014年12月12日, 主食作物生産増収方法, 国立大学法人静岡大学
  4. 河岸洋和,崔宰熏, アメリカ特許 8809328B2, 2014年4月27日, IMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVE, 国立大学法人静岡大学
  5. 河岸洋和,森田明雄,崔宰熏, アメリカ特許 8518859B2, Method for increasing yield of staple food crop, 2013年8月27日, 国立大学法人静岡大学

5. 受賞

  1. 日本きのこ学会、日本きのこ学会奨励賞 (2018)
  2. 日本農芸化学会、農芸化学奨励賞 (2017)
  3. 第6回新規素材探索研究会 最優秀ポスター賞受賞者 (2007)
    「コムラサキシメジ(Lepista sordida)と芝の共生に関する化学的解明」
  4. 第49回天然有機化合物討論会奨励賞 (2007)
    「コムラサキシメジ(Lepista sordida)と芝の共生に関する化学的解明」